Fire Sprinklers
Save Lives

Welcome to the Kid’s Corner!

Happy Home Fire Sprinkler Week 2023!

Hero wants you to share the message of Minutes Matter® and show everyone that Fire Sprinklers are on Your Side!

1) Click the link to download a template and instructions
2) Draw and color the side-by-side burn trailer.
3) Have an adult share your art using the form at the bottom of this page.

Last day to submit an entry is 5/31/2023

2023 Fire Prevention Week Contest

1) Find and print the template at the top of the page to draw and color the side-by-side burn trailer.  A printed template can also be found at each of our branches.

2) Once complete, have an adult scan or take a picture of your artwork.  Share it with friends and family, to show the effects of fire in a home protected by fire sprinklers versus a home left unprotected.

3) Complete the yellow form (be sure to include the name and age of your child, WAFS Office Location, and WAFS parent / team member.

4) Attach the saved file (picture) of your Home Fire Sprinkler Week 2023 Entry.

5) Hit Submit!

6) Check your email for confirmation that it was received.

If you have any difficulties submitting your entry, please email the child’s name, age, WAFS Office location, the name of the WAFS team member, and the photo to

    [honeypot hp-916]

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